Voice and Memory

Voice and Memory arises from the need to vindicate the recovery of democratic memory and the role and experiences of Catalan women artists under Franco’s dictatorship.


Since 2021, the Network of Art Museums has been collecting the voices of the artists in its collections. Through recorded interviews, they bear witness to a reality of oppression and lack of freedoms that still resonates with us. The researcher and art historian Elina Norandi has been in charge of organising and conducting these interviews with the aim of facing a reality that explains the invisibility and lack of knowledge of so many artists.


Núria Pié, María José Vela, María Teresa Sanromá, Dominica Sánchez, Dolores Cols, Luisa Jover, Adelaida Murillo, María Isabel Adalid, María Jesús Andrés, Montserrat Senserrich, Marika Villa, Montserrat Torras, Marta Casas, Rosa Mirambell, Pilar Segura and Teresa Jordán, are the first ones we can listen to.


We are working to discover more artists’ voices.

1 – Nuria Pié
2 – Maria José Vela
3 – Maria Teresa Sanromà
4 – Dominica Sánchez
5 -Dolors Cols
6- Lluïsa Jover
7 – Adelaida Murillo
8 – Maria Isabel Adalid
9 – Maria Jesús Andreu
10 – Montserrat Senserrich
11 – Marika Vila
12 – Montserrat Torras
13 – Marta Casas
14 – Rosa Mirambell
15 – Pilar Segura
16 – Teresa Jordà